Prince Names articles

Blog > Articles on Prince Names
by Casey AndersonPosted on: August 22nd, 2017
How many women out there dreamed of growing up to marry her Prince Charming? There are so many books and movies out there that romanticize this kind of love affair. How many little boys out there fanaticized about being dashing princes, rescuing damsel’s in distress and having the love of their kingdom? Some at least I’m sure! Of course, most of girls grow up to realize that we don’t have fairy godmothers or talking animals that are going to help lead us to our prince. And most boys grow up to realize that they don’t have servants or kingdoms handed down to them. And that’s okay!
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by Ruth FitzpatrickPosted on: May 20th, 2017
Everybody's little girl or boy is their princess or prince. But you know: yours is so much more! Here are our 10 favorite names for your future cuddle kings and queens: So sweet and so fashionable! This exotic little name literally means 'princess', so it's perfect for your literal princess! By far the more popular variant – ranked #52 in the lists – is Sadie, which is just as pleasantly sassy and pleasing to the ear, but we definitely prefer the striking initial 'Z' in Zadie.
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